Saturday, May 7, 2011

Project 1: Ink Splotches

Four to Five images of various artists' work that clearly illustrate the use of a variety of line qualities

Digital photograph of my project 

comp 3

comp 5

comp 4

comp 2

February 5, 2011
Ink Splotch

My drawing is very gentle at first glance it gives a light springtime feel, a feeling of happiness. This feeling is created by employing all of the values of grays, light-black, and black values. The volume and mass are brought by the pencil markings, faint, soft, and intense brushstrokes, circular and rectangular shapes.

The flow frequency of number three is quit pleasant, from the bottom to the top, the figure flows upwardly into a cut out at the top where a sense of shoulder’s, neck and head, bring you to a focal point, formed by a low saturation of black (almost like it was running out on the brush) deliberately going in the same direction that defining the neatness of the strokes. The way the brush markings are arranged and the blending with the faint black cause this design to be grounded at the bottom, flowing upwardly into thick darker horizontal brush strokes- this cutout gives the appearance of a abstract head formation. 

Comp four was the most successful, especially with it against comp three, even though I used a lot of lighter hues- grey and light black, the texture it provides from far away works, it looks sort of grayish with a lot of light, this is balanced by the placement of the bolder circles, splotchy blended spots, and the cut outs seen from close balance out the values.

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